Hi Peggy Sue,
You are so welcome! I am more than happy to share your product and to help advertise! I know that our readers will love hearing about the pet latch and I am sure that many people are unaware that dogs can get sick from getting into the cat’s litter box.
I think it’s so wonderful that you are working to help animals and that you open up your home to dogs when their families are on vacations. It sounds like our house- we have two bunnies at home and each has their own bedroom! We can’t help but to spoil them- they are our babies 🙂
You are more than welcome to share This Dish Is Veg on your website! We would love that! The Woof Woof Book is so cute and creative! Also feel free to share the This Dish Is Veg article anywhere you’d like. I hope that it helps 🙂
Hi Peggy Sue,
Thank you so much for your amazing product! My boyfriend and I live in a small 2 bedroom condo. We have both latches in use and this is the only way the cat and dog can live together in harmony. The kitty food is in a latched bathroom and the litter box is in a latched small coat closet. Thank you so so so much.